Tuesday, May 10, 2011

iPhone: Perk up your photos with 100 Cameras In 1

These days i’ve got really nothing else to do but laundry or kill time at a cafe. Of course, i prefer the latter! Thankfully, most cafes i stay at have free Wi-Fi. That also means i’ve got almost close to unlimited time surfing the net – which, for a big part of, i spent checking the latest free Apps for the iPhone.

image In the top 25 or something apps, there is 100 Cameras in 1. This app lets you modify your photos, applying one or several filters that enhances their appearance. For the free version, you only get some of the filters but if your only killing time – then that should be enough.

It is fairly simple to use: you just pick up an existing photo or take a new one, crop/scale it. Then, apply a filter (which are nicely named, btw). The photos get saved in the Camera Roll (alongside its original).


Here is my example:


The app has a nice elegant feel to it, from the splash screen to the sounds. I only use it to modify an existing photo but its got many other features like posting to facebook or seeing other’s work.


Check out the settings from the options page for more info. For me, the only thing i changed here is the Resolution (so i can create higher res photos).

Overall, it’s a nice app to have, especially when you’ve got a lot of time on your hands.


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